Wednesday, 9 November 2011

November Obsession: Accessorize Christmas Decorations!

Ever since I can remember, everyone has always been envious of my family's christmas tree. My mum has been collecting one-off christmas decorations every year since she was about 16, so nothing on our tree is the same. So over the past few years i've started doing the same. And i've found that one of the best places to get uniquely gorgeous christmas decs is none other than Accessorize!

Every year they do different designs that look homemade, with different fabrics, buttons, ribbons and colours. I cannot get enough of the two I got today:

Heart - £4, 'S' Initial - £3.50

What I love about these, is that I can actually hang them all year round. Of course i'll put them on my christmas tree, but at the moment they're hanging on my pinboard and don't look out of place. I think the beading on the heart is stunning and looks like I could have made it. There were so many more in there, but i'd thought i'd take it easy on my spending today! But I will definately adding more to my collection. When I get home i'll upload photos of my other unique decs.

So if you want a unique christmas tree this year, look around for one-off decorations. They don't have to match, and can be any colour. I believe the more colourful the decs the better, so why limit yourself to the traditional red and green?

If anyone knows of any websites or shops that sell unique/handmade christmas decorations, leave me a comment :)

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